Homework and Exams Policy
Homework Submission
Each instructor will list in his or her syllabus the style of the preferred method for submitting homework. Some instructors will request that it be submitted via Blackboard/Canvas. Other professors will request that you email or scan and submit the homework to Global Outreach and Extended Education (GOEE) via cpd.hwexam@asu.edu.
For homework scanned into GOEE: All homework must be submitted each time, using the homework submission form, so we may keep accurate track of your homework assignments. GOEE logs all of your work and delivers it directly to the professor. When we receive your graded homework back from the professor we will scan it and email it to the address you have designated. All correspondence regarding homework or exams should be emailed to cpd.hwexam@asu.edu. Use of this folder allows multiple individuals in GOEE access to the contents in the event that a staff member is out and homework materials, etc. need to be forwarded to your professor.