Proctor Information
Each instructor will list in his or her syllabus the style of the preferred proctor mode for taking exams in that particular course. Instructors will utilize the use of RPNow (an online proctoring system that can be used almost anywhere). All exams must be taken on the day they are scheduled. There are no exceptions unless you have made prior arrangements with your professor. You must notify us regarding any changes in your exam date so we can accurately track your exam. The time of day you take the exam is flexible as we have students in different time zones, unless otherwise noted by your professor.
RPNow Information
RPNow is an on-demand service for proctoring online exams in an LMS (Learning Management System) such as Canvas. Here is a site with some background information if you are interested https://www.psionline.com/rpnowuniversity/asu.
RPNow Process
Faculty identify when they will be holding exams during the semester.
Faculty work with GOEE to set up a practice exam within their course well in advance of the first exam. This gives students the opportunity to practice using the system in a low-stakes environment and gives faculty the opportunity to ask questions of GOEE before an actual exam. These practice exams do not need to have points attached and can be very simple.
GOEE creates the exam within RPNow and notifies the faculty.
Faculty can review the exam and set-up.
Exam is launched and students complete the exam.
Flagged student violation recordings are reviewed for academic integrity concerns.
Faculty are able to grade and return the exams electronically.